Expert Residential Roofing Services You Can Depend On

Providing expert residential roofing services to homeowners in DFW, Houston, Austin, and San Antonio.

Quality Roofing at a Reasonable Price

Don’t settle for subpar quality. Get a dependable roof at a fair price. One that meets your budget.

Long-Lasting Roofing Materials You Can Trust

By combining expert-level skill with durable materials, you’ll have a roof that will last!

Curb Appeal Tailored to Your Vision

Providing you with a roof that suits your creativity, tailored and crafted uniquely to your vision.

Which Residential Roofing Service Do You Need?

Don’t settle for services you can’t trust. The company you hire for any of your roofing service needs will impact your home negatively or positively. Take a step in the right direction and see how GemSco Roofing can exceed your residential roofing expectations, today.

Flat Roofing

Asphalt Shingles

Tile Roofing

Wood or Slate

Metal Roofing

Roof Repairs

Residential Roofing Services Homeowners Can Trust

Putting your roofing service needs in the hands of strangers can be daunting, and may bring up feelings of fear and doubt. Your home is where your heart is, and trusting a roofing company with an asset like this can be hard.

RoofCrafters values you, and you deserve to be treated with empathy. You and your family will receive kindness, and your roof will receive nothing less than equal treatment.

The Solution to Your Residential Roofing Service Needs

When You Choose GemSco…

  • Trust. You’ll be met with a company that provides you with trust over everything. 

  • Proficiency. You can rest assured that your roofing project will be accomplished with great skill. 

  • Expertise. You can expect to receive a proficiently built, long-lasting roof.

  • Achievement. Once the job is completed, you will fall in love with the final product.

Schedule Your Roofing Inspection Today

Start by scheduling an inspection. You'll meet one of our trained roofing estimators. They'll complete a complete inspection on your roof, and explain everything you need to know.

Choose The Best Fit Solution For You

After you’ve taken the time to consider the type and color of roof that best suits you, it’s time to choose your favorite! Your estimator will help evaluate your decision.

Enjoy Your Beautiful New Roof

As soon as our crew begins installing your new roof, you can sit back and relax as the project unfolds in front of you. Soon, you’ll have the best-looking home on the block.

Providing Excellent Roofing Services in DFW, Houston, Austin, and San Antonio

"I am very pleased with the job GemSco Roofing did for me. The team was considerate and friendly, keeping me abreast of the work with clear explanations and photos. They worked from sunup to sundown, taking no shortcuts and providing me with a roof of the best quality. I would recommend GemSco to anyone with roofing needs."

- Mike Patel

Schedule an Inspection Today

Missing shingles or roof leaks aren’t something you should have to worry about, let alone stress over. Schedule an inspection with GemSco Roofing today, and allow us to alleviate your stress by providing you with a new and improved roof.

Your appointment request form will be met with diligence and quickness. As soon as you fill out this form, you’ll be on your way to receiving the roof of your dreams in no time.

What You Need to Know About Residential Roofing

Below you’ll find the answers to GemSco’s most frequently asked questions.

  • A reputable company will assign a supervisor for you to contact as often as you may need, no matter the time, no matter the place.

    Your wants and needs should be the top priority.

    Learn what you can expect from the entire process in our article, "The 9-Step Process to Your Roof Replacement."

  • Yes, our estimators will always allow you to voice any questions or concerns you may have not only during the estimation process but throughout the entire project. Remember, your needs are at the forefront of this project.

    Learn how to find the right contractor in our article here.

  • No, you and your family do not need to relocate during the duration of the project.

    Roof replacements and repairs should only take a few days, a week at the most. Most roofing jobs are done on weekdays during business hours when you and your family are out at work or school. 

  • Yes, our estimator will provide you with an estimated lead time and project duration during the estimation process, or within the following days. If you have any questions, don’t be afraid to reach out to your assigned estimator! That’s what they’re there for.

  • If you’ve hired a reputable company...

     No, your home will not be in jeopardy of any damage during the project.

    If damage does occur, trustworthy companies have insurance and warranties that will cover you.